Monday, July 16, 2012

Can I get a woot woot for p-day!

The first few days have been pretty good here.  They are more strict about some things...such as speaking spanish, but our schedule is a little more manageable. For the most part my district is a little more focused here.  My teacher likes to play games outside to help us stay awake and practice spanish.  When we mess up she hits us with a ball.  She thoroughly enjoys it.   It doesnt really feel like im in guatemala...being that we are confined to the parameters of the mtc property.  We were able to walk outside once to go to the casa CRE(teaching practice house) which is right across from the temple.   The latinos are very patient with us and our spanish.  i had to teach a latino last night, and he taughtme....that was entertaining.  The food here has been pretty great. the only problem is you have to eat everything on your plate, so if you dont like something, too bad.  you just chew and swallow anyway. i tried a fruit called liches- pretty yummy.  you should look up a picture of them.  They kind of look like a sea creature, but you open then up and eat the transparent stuff on the inside.             Last sunday i game my first talk in Espanol.   i also sang with 2 other girls, nearer my god to thee, in spanish, and gave the closing talk. Not sure why I got so lucky.....  They dont announce who´s speaking untill during sacrament meeting- so you always have to be prepared.       Not to much else to announce.  Let me know how you all are doing.  Love you!   Hermana Natalie Canfield            I cant figure out where the return/enter key is.....   Ps.  We get dear elders hear once a week.  They are sent from pouch mail from Salt lake City I believe.  If you send monday or sooner, i should receive them on thursday, from what i hear.      forgot shanes email....dont have time to look for it.  forward to shane pleaseii

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