Monday, August 27, 2012

One Month. Wahoo

Yesterday was my one month anniversary.  I considered having a celebration, but that´s about as far as the party went.  Oh wait, one latina sister had a birthday and we sang and had a bit of cake, so i can count that.  Hmm...this week..  I ate/drank the most disgusting thing of my life. they have these milk cartons, like gosner´s, and i attempted to drink it.  I got a mouth full of chunky sour nasty.
Enough  of that.  
Oh i went to a video conference at the area office building where the Area Medical Adivisor AMA/doctor was having meeting with all the mission nursing in central america.  I learned about warts (ps.  ductape has a 80% cure rate, for real), diarrhea, dog bites, toe nails, sore throughts, staff infections, insomnia, etc. Cant wait.  Kayla went with me to it.  And during the meeting on the 5th floor of the building, i experienced my first ever earthquake!  i wasnt large enough to do any damage, but plenty large enough to feel
Still can´t figure out how to press enter on this computer.....  andyway, sounds like shane has been sick as a dog with
E.coli.  I hope he{s doing better.     
 I was thinking the other day about the tree of life-vision and how as a missionary, it´s our job to encourage people and direct them to the iron rod.  I´m reminded of the why of the gospel, and the why of missionary service.  Imagine if i/we were telling others that they should hold on to the rod, but never explained to them why.  It´s important to remember for myself and for others the ´why´ behind what we do.  We need to remember the tree, the love of god, and they joy that comes with it.  As president uctdorf said, ´´the what informs,the why transforms.´´         
 Iove u mucho! thanks for the great emails.  
PS.  happy birthday to evie last week!  
PSS.  I went to the temple here this week!  it was really great.  So small, but the celestial room was still beautiful.  A couple parts were in spanish, but mainly english.  Which i was grateful for.  Same spirit, nomatter where you are in the world.  Love it. 
 PSS.  Thanks to Scott for his great thoughts, i´ve really enjoyed studying them in my personal study time.

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